
apt-get install nasm micro-inetd
apt-get install libc6-dbg


peda gdb 說明
pdisas disas 顏色差異
context reg
context reg
context stack
context all
vmmaps info proc mappings


aslr -- Show/set ASLR setting of GDB
asmsearch -- Search for ASM instructions in memory
assemble -- On the fly assemble and execute instructions using NASM
checksec -- Check for various security options of binary
cmpmem -- Compare content of a memory region with a file
context -- Display various information of current execution context
context_code -- Display nearby disassembly at $PC of current execution context
context_register -- Display register information of current execution context
context_stack -- Display stack of current execution context
crashdump -- Display crashdump info and save to file
deactive -- Bypass a function by ignoring its execution (eg sleep/alarm)
distance -- Calculate distance between two addresses
dumpargs -- Display arguments passed to a function when stopped at a call instruction
dumpmem -- Dump content of a memory region to raw binary file
dumprop -- Dump all ROP gadgets in specific memory range
eflags -- Display/set/clear value of eflags register
elfheader -- Get headers information from debugged ELF file
elfsymbol -- Get non-debugging symbol information from an ELF file
gennop -- Generate abitrary length NOP sled using given characters
getfile -- Get exec filename of current debugged process
getpid -- Get PID of current debugged process
goto -- Continue execution at an address
help -- Print the usage manual for PEDA commands
hexdump -- Display hex/ascii dump of data in memory
hexprint -- Display hexified of data in memory
jmpcall -- Search for JMP/CALL instructions in memory
loadmem -- Load contents of a raw binary file to memory
lookup -- Search for all addresses/references to addresses which belong to a memory range
nearpc -- Disassemble instructions nearby current PC or given address
nextcall -- Step until next 'call' instruction in specific memory range
nextjmp -- Step until next 'j*' instruction in specific memory range
nxtest -- Perform real NX test to see if it is enabled/supported by OS
patch -- Patch memory start at an address with string/hexstring/int
pattern -- Generate, search, or write a cyclic pattern to memory
pattern_arg -- Set argument list with cyclic pattern
pattern_create -- Generate a cyclic pattern
pattern_env -- Set environment variable with a cyclic pattern
pattern_offset -- Search for offset of a value in cyclic pattern
pattern_patch -- Write a cyclic pattern to memory
pattern_search -- Search a cyclic pattern in registers and memory
payload -- Generate various type of ROP payload using ret2plt
pdisass -- Format output of gdb disassemble command with colors
pltbreak -- Set breakpoint at PLT functions match name regex
procinfo -- Display various info from /proc/pid/
profile -- Simple profiling to count executed instructions in the program
pyhelp -- Wrapper for python built-in help
readelf -- Get headers information from an ELF file
refsearch -- Search for all references to a value in memory ranges
reload -- Reload PEDA sources, keep current options untouch
ropgadget -- Get common ROP gadgets of binary or library
ropsearch -- Search for ROP gadgets in memory
searchmem -- Search for a pattern in memory; support regex search
session -- Save/restore a working gdb session to file as a script
set -- Set various PEDA options and other settings
sgrep -- Search for full strings contain the given pattern
shellcode -- Generate or download common shellcodes.
show -- Show various PEDA options and other settings
skeleton -- Generate python exploit code template
skip -- Skip execution of next count instructions
snapshot -- Save/restore process's snapshot to/from file
start -- Start debugged program and stop at most convenient entry
stepuntil -- Step until a desired instruction in specific memory range
strings -- Display printable strings in memory
substr -- Search for substrings of a given string/number in memory
telescope -- Display memory content at an address with smart dereferences
tracecall -- Trace function calls made by the program
traceinst -- Trace specific instructions executed by the program
unptrace -- Disable anti-ptrace detection
utils -- Miscelaneous utilities from utils module
vmmap -- Get virtual mapping address ranges of section(s) in debugged process
waitfor -- Try to attach to new forked process; mimic "attach -waitfor"
xinfo -- Display detail information of address/registers
xormem -- XOR a memory region with a key
xprint -- Extra support to GDB's print command
xrefs -- Search for all call/data access references to a function/variable
xuntil -- Continue execution until an address or function
